sábado, 31 de março de 2012

Smackdown 30/03/12 (5/5) - Wrestlemania Go Home Show (Versão Especial)

WWE Smackdown 30.03.2012 (5/5) Wrestlemania 28 Go Home Show (Versão Com Combates)

O WWE Smackdown desta semana é o ultimo show antes da Wrestlemania 28 pelo que que uma grande parte do programa é constituído por promos dos combates que acontecerão Domingo. Em termos de combates, somente acontecem dois. Chris Jericho bata-se contra Kofi Kingston que segundo reviews foi um bom combate e Zack Ryder enfrenta Drew McIntyre. No show são realizados dois testemunhos fortes para a Wrestlemania 28.....

AJ ganha o torneio WWE'12 na WM Axxess!

AJ venceu neste fim de semana anual da WrestleMania o torneio promovido pela THQ - WWE'12 na WrestleMania Axxess, conseguindo levar a vitória na final contra Mark Henry. Outro combate também realizado na WM Axxess foi entre irmãos: Cody Rhodes vs Goldust.

[Video] Y2J diz que o seu combate contra CM Punk poderá roubar o show!

[Video] Mike Tyson dança na WrestleMania Axxess!

[Video] Flash Mob na WrestleMania Axxess!

WWE anuncia defesa dos WWE Tag Team Titles para a Wrestlemania 28

A WWE anunciou que Epico & Primo irão defender os WWE Tag Team Titles contra os Usos e a recente dupla formada por Justin Gabriel e Tyson Kidd no dark match da Wrestlemania 28 que terá transmissão no WWE.com e no canal da WWE no youtube antes da Wrestlemania 28.

WWE negocia com Brock Lesnar uma participação na Wrestlemania 28

Tanto a F4WOnline.com com o PWInsider.com estão a reportar que a WWE e Brock Lesnar estão a negociar uma participação do lutador na Wrestlemania 28. Uma fonte próxima à negociação indicia que as chances da participação acontecer é de 50-50 e que tem esperança que o acordo seja finalizado nas próximas 24 horas.

O presidente do Ultimate Fighting Championship, Dana White confirmou à F4W que Lesnar já não tem contrato com o UFC e que está livre para participar na Wrestlemania.

Batista aterra em Miami e tinha um transporte da WWE à sua espera

Batista aterra em Miami e tinha um transporte da WWE à sua espera

Batista chegou a Miami no dia de ontem. Batista tinha anunciado durante a semana que irá estar presente no Nautica South Beach Triathlon para um evento de caridade.

A surpresa desta notícia é que Batista tinha à sua espera no aeroporto um motorista da WWE. Esperam-se desenvolvimentos da notícia sobre o motivo da WWE encontrar Batista.

[Video] CM Punk vê um pedido de casamento no Wrestlemania Axxess

Bret Hart prevê heel turn de John Cena

Bret Hart em entrevista ao The Sun fez uma previsão da Wrestlemania. Bret indicou que o combate Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk seja o melhor combate da noite e que Undertaker derrote Triple H,

Sobre John Cena vs. The Rock, Bret disse:

"The build-up has been quite good," Hart said of the Rock - Cena match-up. "The Rock seems like not only is he looking in great form, but he is looking in great form. At the same time Cena has been classic Cena. I'm quite intrigued to see what happens."

"I think Cena's going to come out on top because I think he's the franchise guy right now," Hart predicted. "I wouldn't be the least bit surprise if Cena has some sort of role reversal — the fact that all the fans are against him so much. I can't see him being a villain or a heel, but at the same time wouldn't that totally blow everyone away?"

John Cena fala das notas no pulso de The Rock

O The Chad Dukes Show entrevistou John Cena e no decorrer da entrevista, o lutador revelou como trouxe a público as notas que The Rock tinha escrito no seu pulso. Cena disse:

"That was something I saw right there. I wouldn't have even said anything if I didn't see it," said Cena. "When I watch TV and I'm in the 'Gorilla Position,' which is right before you go through the curtain, and they have a TV there… I couldn't believe it. Once I saw it the words became bigger and larger and his body was covered in words. It was like, I couldn't ignore it. It became like the giant mole on the face. I had to."

Vickie Guerrero dá pista que Michelle McCool está grávida

Vickie Guerrero  deu a entender no twitter que Michelle McCool poderá estar grávida. Vickie disse:

"My surprise party was flawless for Michelle McCool!!! Great lunch with friends and family. Im so excited for her bundle of joy!"

Nova equipa no Smackdown?

Segundo o WWE.com, após a dura batalha no WWE Superstars desta semana, Justin Gabriel e Tyson Kidd encontram-se posteriormente no balneário e discutiram a possibilidade de formarem uma equipa. Kidd disse: "We can go out there and we can tear the house down every single night; we're two of the most under-utilized Superstars here in WWE. But that just be getting around spinning our tails. So I was thinking, how about you and I form a tag team and we go after those tag team titles?"

Triple H diz que ainda irá fazer Ultimate Warrior regressar à WWE

Na promoção da Wrestlemania 28, Triple H deu uma entrevista ao Los Angeles Times e questionado sobre as hipóteses de Ultimate Warrior poder regressar à WWE por uma noite somente para o squashar, Triple H respondeu:

"It's funny, a lot of people bring that up in a negative way like it was this terrible thing in my life," Triple H says of his squash match loss to Warrior at WrestleMania XII. "While working with him personally wasn’t the highlight of my life from a business standpoint, for me to go to me first WrestleMania and wrestle a legendary figure in the business -- and that is what he was and is -- like the Ultimate Warrior, a Hall of Fame superstar in the business in my first WrestleMania appearance, squash or not, was a mind blowing thing for me."
"I was thrilled to be in that position and to have that match with the Ultimate Warrior. I was thrilled with the fact that at that time Vince McMahon was willing to put me in that role. The Ultimate Warrior wasn’t there till the day of the show, so I had to do all the promotion for that match. I wanted Vince McMahon to look at me as a guy he could count on to handle the return of a guy that he was hoping would be a huge impact on the business. He had the trust in me and I would do a good job with it. So to me, that was nothing but a good experience. Potentially, I could bring him back and get the win."

"Full-time wrestlers have fewer meetings than full-time managers do. I spend time in meetings a lot. And wearing a tie is kind of a downfall. I think it’s just learning to deal with situations in a business way as opposed to a locker room way. There is a large world of difference and you just have to learn that transition," he says.

Jake Roberts partilha história de Undertaker no início da sua carreira

Jake "The Snake" Roberts deu uma entrevista ao Busted Open onde abordou vários temas sobre a sua careira. Eis os highlights:

Alice Cooper: It was a real hoot, man! I remember going to do a photo shoot at some hotel in New York City with Alice Cooper getting ready for Wrestlemania. I remember going up to his room with all the camera guys and stuff. We knocked on the door and this guy lets us in. And of course it’s not just a room; it’s a damn big suite.

Alice comes in and what he does is like—I don’t know if you ever seen the commercial where the two people are running up the hill towards each other in slow motion?—coming closer. All of a sudden he’s being the fan, and here I am It’s my turn to be the fan, asshole! He’s saying, "Come here, man! Come in!" I’m like, "No wait, man! I listened to you when I was in high school! ‘School’s Out for Summer’, that was hot when I was 17." To be there with him was just unbelievable, and of course doing a match out there with him was unbelievable too.

They took us up on our scissor-lifts way up in the air where it came to the curtain. From ninety-four thousand people… it took your breath away. You felt like your hair was growing, man! And as we’re getting closer to the ring, I feel his fingernails sliding down my damn side and arm and I’m What the hell is that?! And I look, and Cooper is sliding down. I’m like, "What’s wrong?" And he’s like, "Too much rush." And I’m like, "What the eff are you talkin’ about?!" And he’s like, "I’m alone!" And if you think about it, I understand where he’s coming from. In his world, he’d come out on the stage, he’d have his band around him, had all his stuff ready to go, and he knew where he was going. But in my world, he was having to stand there on his own two feet with no guitar, no microphone, and he was running the show.

We get to the ring and the match starts, and of course The Honky Tonk Man—being the prick that he is—he’s really screwin’ with Alice. He’s like: "You little faggot bitch! I’m gonna make you my horny woman!" And Cooper is starting to fire up, and Honky Tonk (once he sees him getting mad) he just keeps going: "C’mon you little queer! Why they call you Alice, you little bitch?!" And he just keeps riding Alice, y’know: "Take that jacket off, boy, I’ll whoop your ass too, soon as I get through with Jake!" And Cooper pulls that jacket off, man, and it’s like, Oh my god! Biafra! His arms are about the size of my toe!

WWE: It was different. I certainly see where this is going, which is bringing us into the mainstream, and that’s a positive thing. Y’know, Vince McMahon and the WWF did a hell of a deal turning this into such a monster. His machine is unbeatable. I mean, don’t kid yourself TNA, you’ll always be third stream; there is no second stream. You’ll be third at least because there is no way in hell you’re gonna catch these people, and you might as well forget about it and quit telling the people you are.

Gimmicks: As far as characters…you have a good one and you take care of it, it should last forever. The big thing is you just shouldn’t go out there and destroy your own credibility. If you got two guys out in the ring and you’re clothes-lining each other five times, who’s the tough guy? Maybe one or both of you are lying pricks. Less is more and do the right thing. Don’t do things that are stupid; that’s how you get longevity out of a character. And today there are no characters, I don’t think. They’ve all been just stirred up in a bucket and everybody’s just the same.

The Undertaker: I love the guy, number one. Number two, I was there when he first got in there in the WWE. Here’s really quite a story: He comes to me, he says, "Hey I hear you know where all the good strip joints are at." And I’m like, "In the world, yes. I know them all." And he’s like, "Well, I’ll travel with you!" And I said, "Oh boy, why don’t you go back to playin’ basketball because you’re not gonna be able to hang with me," and I said, "I’ll kill ya." And a few weeks later, I believe he was in pretty bad shape—something about alcohol poisoning. Yeah, it was a chemical world, and I was cheating, man. He didn’t know it. I wasn’t gonna tell him! He rolled with me for quite a while. We’re great friends and I’d like to think that I helped him more. I think if you asked him he’d tell you the same, that he learned a lot from me.

That’s what I was all about anyway, man, not only helping my own character, but helping others with theirs. My idea of being a professional wrestler is to make the show better. In other words, everybody must be better. And if I can help this guy lift his thing up a little bit, I’m gonna go help the guy. That’s something I’m proud of. Whether it be Undertaker or Steve Austin, right on down the line. I think if you asked Austin who helped him the most, he’d tell you it was me. Wherever I met Austin, he wasn’t gonna be more than third or fourth match, and I told McMahon, "Try him for third for next superstar, man." And he said, "I don’t think so." Well, gee, even Mr. McMahon can be wrong every now and then!

If people are scared to take a chance on him: I don’t think it’s the past. I think it’s just me, period, because of what I believe in. Vince McMahon once told, "Jake, perception of you with our TV people and stuff is that you’re angry." I’m like, "I’m not angry!" "You told this guy it was a ‘stupid effin’ idea’!" I’m like, "Well, it was a stupid effin’ idea!" So I stand my ground on what I believe. And—uh—sometimes that gets you in trouble. I wouldn’t be good in a boardroom, man. I speak my piece; I won’t follow any stupid thing that I think is stupid. I’ll just say Screw that; that’s bullshit. That’s gets me in trouble, man. I’m a team player because I want the product better, but… my nose doesn’t fit well up anybody’s butt.

If inmates are running TNA: Oh yeah! I think I told Vince McMahon that one time. Back whenever it was [Scott] Hall, [Kevin] Nash/Diesel (The Kliq) stay in this, you’re letting the Inmates run the asylum. They were calling the shots as they wanted to! And that’s wrong. That is just totally wrong. I would have never thought about doing that out of respect for what this business it and what it is supposed to be. That is just freakin’ wrong!

You got people in the wrong positions, you got people that shouldn’t be in those positions. And Dixie Carter—for whatever she is—I think she’s a mark! And for whatever Hogan is, Hogan’s not a booker! Christ. I mean, thank god they got rid of the jerk, the one that destroyed the WCW. What was his name? DL: [Vince] Russo. JtS: RUSSO! He’ll probably go in the goddamn Hall of Fame before I do.

Training wrestlers: I would love that! I would love to kill them! I would love to touch them all over. Enter their orifices with my thumb when they do something wrong. It’s stupid! I would love to be teaching these kids. My god, I would love that. Because I could either sit back on my ass and try to watch wrestling (which I get so frustrated with today that I turn it off), or I could say, Okay, look, man, get up there and try to do something about it. And the only thing I could do about it now is by teaching. My physical problems: my feet, my hands, my neck, no wonder! If you have that happen, well, thirty-seven years of getting your ass kicked will do that to you, Jake! I can’t compete anymore, but I can teach these kids so much. That would be a real joy for me. It certainly would.

[Foto]: Edge com novo look

CM Punk diz que WWE está a dar aos fãs um campeão em que podem acreditar

O WWE Champion CM Punk deu uma entrevista ao ESPN.com testa semana para promover a Wrestlemania 28. Eis os highlights:

CM Punk, a year ago at this time, considering your contract situation with WWE, did you think you would be in this spot, defending the world title at Wrestlemania 28?

 CM Punk: No, because I was leaving. At Wrestlemania last year -- and I always say I thrive in high-pressure situations -- my job was to steal the show and prove to everybody how awesome I was and what an amazing talent they were losing. I went out there with Randy [Orton] and we put on, in my opinion, the best match on the show of pure wrestling. I wasn't concerned about what I was doing next year. I was leaving in my mind. I didn't think I would still be here or holding the title. Mixed Martial Arts has become a big part of your life.

Has that altered your style of wrestling at all or helped with in-ring ability?

Punk: Yes and no. It's hard to try to translate a lot of stuff. I prefer to throw kicks and elbows instead of punches, but that was always a part of me. But I've always been a fan, so I don't know if that stems from MMA. But I try to keep my pro wrestling, pro wrestling.

You mentioned Chris Jericho has never been "The Man" like you've been. Can you elaborate?

Jericho has held world titles in the past. Punk: Sure, but there's always, I think, somebody that has overshadowed him. I guess an argument can be made that John Cena is still "The Man." But the numbers don't lie with merchandising, ratings and everything else. We're not trying to hotshot the title around or play hot potato with it. We're giving people a champion they can believe in. And Jericho was never really that guy. He was never really, I guess, the ambassador John Cena has been and that I've been lately. That's what I meant by that.

A-Train “confirma” ida para a WWE

Matt "A-Train" Bloom deu ontem uma pista do seu iminente regresso à WWE. O lutador mandou uma mensagem à NJPW ao dizer o seguinte "Want to wish all my @NJPW1972 family a successful NJPW Cup. Wish I could be there but something came up.@Machinegunka get it done!"

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

Hornswoggle será protagonista do filme: "Leprechaun: Origins"

A WWE Studios irá lançar o filme "Leprechaun: Origins," que marcará a estreia de Hornswoggle no cinema.

Foi o próprio quem revelou os planos ao dizer no twitter o seguinte: "The #swogglesecret that I've been hinting at all week is that in March 2013 I will be starring in Leprechaun:Origins by WWE Studios!!!"

[Video] Lutadores da FCW enfrentam-se no Wrestlemania Axxess

 Para além de Ezekiel Jackson ter enfrentado Hunico ontem no Wrestlemania Axxess, aconteceu também uma batalha entre lutadores da FCW com Seth Rollins a enfrentar Dean Ambrose. Eis o vídeo:

Notas sobre a WM 28 (finishers e dark match)

Segundo a F4W a WWE já tem definidos os finishers de todos os combates da Wrestlemania. Alguns poderão mudar consoante o humor de Vince McMahon no dia do evento.

Fala-se que o combate The Usos vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Epico e Primo seja o dark match do show. Ainda se cogitou que fosse um squash de Brodus Clay a ser esse combate mas fala-se que este poderá ter lugar no card.

Michael McGillicutty também treinou com The Rock

The Rock indicou no twitter que para além da ajuda de Curt Hawkins no seu treino para o combate contra John Cena na Wrestlemania, este também tem a ajuda de Michael McGillicutty. Rock disse:

"I love Curt [Hawkins]. Curt’s been great. Joe Hennig [Michael McGillicutty] has been great, too. I’ve had a training camp for over a year now, and those guys have been tremendous."

CM Punk ataca Jericho por usar o Yoga de DDP

Em nova troca de galhardetes no twitter, Cm Punk mandou nova boca a Chris Jericho e desta vez por usar o yoga de DDP. Punk disse:

"[Chris] does DDP Yoga and that's not even real yoga. This isn't a front on Diamond Dallas Page – nice guy and all that, but whatever. Jericho's [not here because] got a voice coach so he can sing in his rotten band."

Sheamus diz nunca estar satisfeito e apoia John Cena contra The Rock

Como forma de promover o World Heavyweight Championship Match contra Daniel Bryan na Wrestlemania XXVIII, Sheamus deu uma entrevista ao Irish Voice. Eis os highlights:

"My WWE career has been amazing says. It took a lot of time for me to get here, and you never stop paying your dues. I’m never satisfied with what I've achieved,"

"I want to create a legacy for myself, like those who are going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this weekend. The way you do that is by winning championships and staying hungry and focused."

"Bryan is very tricky. He’s quite talented, a smaller guy but very tough and aggressive. He’s quicker than I am, but all I need is one second to catch him with my brogue kick. A size 13 boot to the face has done wonders for my winning streak!"

"I'm going to go Team Cena, man. There's a lot of rumors going around, people with animosity for The Rock. That's not the case with me at all. The Rock has come back; he's been cool with me and I have nothing against him at all. He's achieved everything in WWE, and of course, he's achieved everything in Hollywood. It's a huge success story.

Cena, as well, he’s been on top of WWE for years now, and it's drawn in interest from everybody. It's one of the reasons WrestleMania will be one of the biggest ever. I just think Team Cena because Cena has been here all the day, and Cena has obviously been here week in and week out. I know it's probably the story you've heard all the time, but that really is the truth of it all. I'm really looking forward to this match because it's going to literally be a once-in-a-lifetime match, but I think I have to tip my hat to Cena. I think Cena's going to do it."

[Video] Estrelas da WWE visitam hospital pediátrico

Jerry Lawler indica o melhor combate da Wrestlemania que já comentou

O WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler em entrevista ao Miami Herald para promover a Wrestlemania 28 foi questionado sobre o melhor combate da Wrestlemania que já comentou. Lawler respondeu:

"One match that I really enjoyed calling was The Rock against Hulk Hogan [WrestleMania 18 in 2002 in Toronto]. That was a match you thought you'd never see. I'd put that like a match between Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. It was just something you thought would never happen, and it was a great match. As far as I'm concerned, of the matches I've seen, it was probably Hulk Hogan's best match ever, and The Rock was fabulous in it. So I thought that match was great."

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

[Video] Conferência de imprensa da Wrestlemania XXVIII

O Video Começa no Minuto 18:00

Variação do rating do RAW. Pior resultado obtido por um RAW pré-Wrestlemania desde 1997

O go home show da Wrestlemania 28 com o RAW SuperShow desta semana obteve um rating de 3.05 com 4.44 milhões de espectadores - valor que desapontou os oficiais da WWE.
Em comparação, o go home show da Wrestlemania 27 que também teve a presença de The Rock, obteve um rating de 3.84 com 5.89 milhões de espectadores. Este ano, o rating teve uma queda de 21% no seu valor de 25% nos espectadores. Este é o pior valor que um go home show da Wrestlemania obtém desde 1997.
A variação do rating ao longo do show foi a seguinte:

Sheamus e Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan e Kane ganhou 239,000 espectadores em relação ao opener. Santino Marella vs. David Otunga e o vídeo de Shawn Michaels, Triple H e Undertaker perdeu 32,000 espectadores. Eve Torres vs. Kelly Kelly perdeu mais 246,000 espectadores.

O angle com CM Punk e Christian e a entrevista de Chris Jericho e Brodus Clay vs. Curt Hawkins ganhou132,000 espectadores para um rating de 2.96. Um mau número para as 22 horas. Big Show vs. Primo perdeu 104,000 espectadores e Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali e angle da Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long angle ganhou362,000 espectadores o que é um bom número.

O angle final entre The Rock e John Cena ganhou 626,000 espectadores ao que é um mau número para um show que foi o go home show do maior evento da história WWE

Detalhe sobre CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho na WM28

A ideia por detrás do combate CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho pelo WWE Title na Wrestlemania é que independentemente de quem ganhe, a rivalidade será para continuar.

Update em Undertaker

Vários oficias da WWE crêem que Undertaker não se irá retirar este ano e que irá voltar a combater na Wrestlemania 29 em New Jersey. A WWE já trabalha em ideias para o próximo combate de Undertaker.

Wrestlemania 28 ainda não está esgotada

Até ao momento foram vendidos cerca de 61.300 bilhetes para a Wrestlemania 28. Faltam vender cerca de 7 mil bilhetes que ainda estão à venda em vários distribuidores

Estrelas da WWE reúnem-se …. para falar sobre o twitter

A WWE reuniu os seus lutadores na segunda-feira para terem como que uma acção de formação sobre como usar correctamente o twitter, nomeadamente no uso de hashtags. Durante a reunião, um Vince McMahon obcecado pelo twitter entrou pela sala a dentro para dizer às estrelas que quer que a Wrestlemania 28 seja o evento mais falado do ano nas redes sociais. Durante a reunião ninguém da WWE disse aos talentos para terem um bom show no Domingo ou para ter bons combates.

O que a TNA pediu à WWE na negociação sobre Flair

O que a TNA pediu à WWE na negociação sobre Flair

Um dos pedidos que a TNA fez à WWE durante as negociações sobre a presença de Ric Flair na cerimónia do Hall of Fame foi que a WWE mencionasse o nome TNA durante o show. Ainda não se sabe se a WWE aceitou e exigência que foi ponto-chave das negociações durante as ultimas semanas.

Numa nota sobre o Hall of Fame, todos os integrantes do panteão neste ano que somente terão 10 minutos de discurso.

Dois lutadores de MMA interessados em ingressar na WWE

King Mo Lawal que esta semana foi despedido por Dana White mostrou interesse em ingressar na WWE. Lawal é um fã de wrestling de longa data e já teve para entrar na WWE no passado. Gerard Brisco recrutou Lawal há alguns anos atrás mas este nunca chegou ao roster já que quis tentar os jogos Olímpicos. Lawal acabaria por falhar a entrada nas Olimpíadas e ingressar no MMA.

O outro lutador que tem interesse em entrar no pro-wrestling é o ex-UFC Phil Baroni

WWE com grandes planos para Alberto Del Rio

No último RAW SuperShow, os últimos participantes das equipas “Long” & “Johnny” foram revelados – Booker T & The Miz. Com a lesão de Christian, Drew McIntyre foi o escolhido pelos directores para ocupar a vaga do Captain Charisma, descartando mais uma vez Alberto Del Rio.

Os directores acharam melhor a ausência do Mexicano, pois sentiram que Del Rio não estava adequado para esse tipo de combate (12 Man Tag Team Match). É dito que um grande push vem a caminho para o ex-WWE Champion, por isso eles não queriam Alberto envolvido numa luta que promete ser cheia de comédia. Devido a isso, é interessante notar que os directores resolveram colocar The Miz, Jack Swagger, e Dolph Ziggler, pois eles estão tendo personagens interessantes para a equipa Laurinaitis.

Chris Jericho manda recado a CM Punk via Twitter

Chris Jericho postou uma mensagem na sua conta oficial do Twitter onde ele manda um recado ao Campeão da WWE. Y2J disse:

"Enquanto você lê banda desenhada, eu estou treinar e a preparar-me para acabar contigo..." [referindo-se á mensagem que Punk publicou, onde ele falou que estava a ler uma história do Batman]

John Cena diz que Vince McMahon e Triple H queriam-no despedir

John Cena deu uma entrevista ao Soscia Network. Eis os highlights:

Who is left if he defeats The Rock at WrestleMania XXVIII: "Honestly, this is what I like about April 1, you have a definitive number one being decided. I think at that point it is anybody's game to try to take somebody off the mountain. We're at a period in WWE, WrestleMania is truly the end of an era. Triple H vs. Undertaker, Shawn Michaels is a special referee, John Cena vs. The Rock. One of those names, one of those names is a full-time employee for this company and you're looking at him.

"So I think WrestleMania is a platform, as it always is, for new Superstars - Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, C.M. Punk, Cody Rhodes, Team Laurinaitis, Team Teddy Long. Anyone can step up. I'm going to be there on the top of the mountain with my fists up waiting for someone to challenge me. I think everybody is going to watch WrestleMania and enjoy it, but I think everyone behind the curtain, behind the wall that I'm not supposed to talk about, is going to be watching as hungry as they can be knowing that they want to face the winner of that match."

Advice to younger wrestlers: "Never give up. Back in 2003, 2002, when I was just wearing boots and tights and I was supposed to be the ruthless aggression young good guy, nobody in the company liked me. I know Vince McMahon won't admit this, but he wanted me fired, Triple H wanted me fired, everybody hated me. They just wouldn't give me a forum to showcase my talents. I've always been able to connect with the audience if given the ability to speak.

"I got that ability and I was off to the races. I was up against all odds. I wasn't born into this business. I'm not a third generation guy or a second generation guy. I'm just a dude who grew up a fan like all you guys and I wanted to do this my whole life. And I never gave up. That's the advice I give to all the young cats, all the guys who have been trying and trying, trying to make it, attempt after attempt. I've failed many times, but you never ever give up."

CM Punk revela o seu combate favorito da Wrestlemania

O WWE Champion CM Punk numa entrevista a Marvel.com revelou o seu combate favorito da Wrestlemania. Punk disse:

"Wrestlemania 13, mesmo em Chicago. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin,"disse ele. "Lembro-me de cada soco, cada Bodyslam e de cada movimento de submissão. É um daqueles combates perfeitos que contam uma história. Há  tantos combates para escolher, mas este  é o que sobressai mais."

Goldust fala de não estar na Wrestlemania XXVIII

Numa recente entrevista a uma rádio americana, Goldust comentou sobre não participar da Wrestlemania XXVIII, após vários pedidos, incluindo uma petição para enfrentar seu irmão Cody Rhodes na Wrestlemania, luta que foi mudada por Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes. Goldust pareceu chateado nessa parte da entrevista, inclusive disse que terá novas oportunidades. Goldust disse:

''Seria mentira se eu falasse que fiquei feliz de estar por fora, acho que todos os fãs sonharam com esse combate, mas infelizmente não irá acontecer. O verdadeiro motivo para isso, é que estou a sentir algumas dores nas costas e mesmo que fosse minha última luta, ou então minha única luta no ano, decidi que só irei enfrentar Cody, quando estiver em minha melhor forma possível. Na Wrestlemania estarei a ajudar algumas pessoas na parte criativa, e no Domingo estarei assistirei ao Big Show a dar uma dose a Cody, uma dose de REALIDADE.''

quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Motivo para as ausências de Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Undertaker no RAW

Segundo grandes fontes da WWE, houve várias conversas sobre a presença de Triple H, Undertaker & Shawn Michaels no RAW desta semana, o “último RAW antes da Wrestlemania”. De acordo um membro da equipa da WWE, Vince e Triple H conversaram este fim-de-semana e chegaram à conclusão de que a feud está perfeita e não era necessário mais nada para a rivalidade entre os 3, pois no RAW da semana passada deu-se o ponto final na história – Ficando apenas à espera do Hell In A Cell no evento.

Vince McMahon também sentiu uma sensação de que se os três estivessem presentes no show, feuds como a do “WWE Championship” de CM Punk & Chris Jericho, “Intercontinental Championship” entre Rhodes & Show, e a rivalidade entre os General Managers não teriam tanto destaque como tiveram ontem. Os directores estão felizes com a feud, e acreditam que a Hell In A Cell Match ficará marcada na empresa, tal como a Feud.

O “Chairman of the Board” está bastante feliz com a edição da Wrestlemania deste ano e diz que este evento promete ser o maior de todos.

WWE e TNA chegam a acordo. Ric Flair estará no Hall of Fame

O WWE.com anunciou na noite de ontem que Ric Falir estará presente na cerimónia do Hall of Fame 2012 no próximo Sábado na Miami's American Airlines Arena

O "The Nature Boy” irá entrar pela segunda vez no panteão desta vez no grupo Four Horsemen com Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham e JJ Dillon. No anúncio da WWE nunca se fez menção à TNA mas o facto é que as duas companhias tiveram a negociar durante varias semanas a presença de Flair na cerimonia,

Segundo a F4W, a TNA não pediu muito em troca à WWE e os únicos pontos onde a TNA se batia era a presença de Flair na Wrestlemania, nos highlights do HOF na TV e no DVD a ser lançado. Esperam-se desenvolvimentos sobre os pontos da negociação.

Evite-se o tema Undertaker quando se está com Vince McMahon

Numa recente entrevista ao PWTorh, o ex-membro da equipa criativa da WWE, Andrew Goldstein revelou que quando entrou na WWE rapidamente aprendeu que um dos temas que não se podem falar com Vince McMahon é sobre Undertaker. Eis o excerto da entrevista:

"It's a machine," You just have no perception of how much of a well-oiled machine it is and when you step in there it doesn't stop for you. It's a freight train. It keeps going. You come in there on your first day. It's not, 'Alright, welcome. Let's get to know this new guy. Let's get him up to speed.'

"It's a freight train and you're just running along side it and you jump in the side car and you're just along for the ride and you gotta catch up to speed on your own. They're not stopping to catch you up on, well, when you have a meeting with Vince don't bring up Undertaker when he was the American Badass because Vince hates that. Nobody tells you that thing, those picky things that Vince or Stephanie and Michael Hayes [don't like]. There's no guidebook. Reality was 100 percent different than I thought it was going to be."

Double A tomou-lhe o gosto e dá mais um tiro em Otunga

O TNA X-Division Champion Austin Aries tomou o gosto nos ataques a David Otunga no twitter e onde disparou mais um tiro. Double A disse:

"#GottaLove when a guy who's had nothing more than a cup o' coffee in this business acts the fool.... #GetOverYourself #EarnIt"

[Video] The Rock atacou Miz após o RAW

WWE interessada em fazer mais especiais

Os oficiais da WWE estão interessados em produzir mais especiais como o que foi emitido na segunda-feira, "Once In A Lifetime" para The Rock e John Cena

Possível recorde para Big Show na Wrestlemania

Se ganhar o título Intercontinental contra Cody Rhodes na Wrestlemania XXVIII, Big Show irá atingir um recorde que lhe dará entrada num grupo elite de estrelas que possuiu todos os títulos activos da WWE. Big Show já teve o título da WWE, o título World Heavyweight (por 45 segundos), o título de Estados Unidos e os títulos de Tag Team da WWE. Em relação a títulos extintos, Big Show já possuiu os títulos do Mundo de Tag Team, o título da ECW e o Título Hardcore.

Confirmado! Orton será o The Marine 3

A WWE confirmou hoje que Randy Orton será a estrela do próximo The Marine, que levará o nome de ‘Marine: Homefront’.

As gravações começam dia 11/6 e Orton deverá ficar afastado por um tempo para realizar as gravações.

JBL elogia trabalho de John Cena

Em entrevista ao jornal The Sn, o ex-campeão da WWE, JBL elogiou o trabalho de John Cena na construção do combate contra The Rock. JBL disse:

"I knew Cena could be the guy, there was no doubt in my mind. What he's done is just phenomenal. I could not be happier for him. He's one of the most hard working guys I have ever seen, who just has a knack for this business. I hear that he can't wrestle — he can wrestle. Drawing a crowd is working. I think he's done a wonderful job.

What do you want? A guy that can go out there and do a bunch of seamless wristlocks and anklelocks, or do you want a guy who is going to put a bunch of people in seats and entertain them? To me a guy who can entertain is a great worker. I don't understand why purists would say that he wasn't one on any level, because I think he is."

Jake "The Snake" Roberts desiludido por não estar no Hall of Fame

Um dos lutadores mais ímpares das historia da WWE, Jake “The Snake” Roberts em entrevista ao Busted Open comentou com tristeza o facto de ainda na ter entrando no Hall of Fame da WWE. Roberts disse:

"There's been a lot of guys go in that belong there, and...there are some who shouldn’t be in there, but who the hell am I? Hell, I’m not in there, so what the hell. Maybe someday when they put some more guys in there, maybe I’ll go in. I would love to go in, not so much for me, but for my kids, man. It’s part of my legacy. I put so much into wrestling; 37 years of it. Why I’m not there, I’m sure somebody’s got a reason,"

I don’t think it’s the past. I think it’s just me, period, because of what I believe in... I'm a team player because I want the product better, but... my nose doesn’t fit well up anybody’s butt."

Audiências do Raw + Once in a Lifetime:

O Raw SuperShow desta semana atingiu 3.04 de rating, com 4,443,000 telespectadores. Na primeira hora, o episódio atingiu 2.96 (3.0) de rating e na segunda hora 3.12 (3.1) de rating. Ou seja, existiu uma diferença de 10,000 telespectadores entre as duas horas. Obviamente não era isso que a WWE esperava, no último episódio para promover a Wrestlemania 28 que vai ocorrer já este domingo.

O especial Once in a Lifetime: The Rock vs. John Cena que foi emitido antes do RAW teve um rating de 1.60 com 2.1 milhões de espectadores. É um valor quase duplicado dos especiais que o UFC costuma emitir contudo muito longe das repetições do NCIS que dá há mesma hora que obtém cerca de 3 milhões de espectadores.

Nova foto da Stage da Wrestlemania 28

CM Punk e Steve Austin em diálogo no twitter sobre a WM29

CM Punk escreveu na noite de segunda-feira uma mensagem a Stone Cold Steve Austin “@steveaustinBSR 29, son.”

Ao que o mesmo rapidamente respondeu com: "@CMPunk Just worry about 28. If the stars all line up I always have a big can of Whoop Ass ready to take to NYC. #rogerthat"

 Quem não gostou de ficar de fora do diálogo foi Jericho e para não perder importância, ele também mandou a sua farpa ao dizer "You've got to be kidding me? Youre not gonna make it past 28. If Austin has a problem ill kick his ass too"

Brock Lesnar interessado em combater na WM 29

Existem reports de que Brock Lesnar está pelo menos interessado num combate contra The Undertaker ou Steve Austin para a Wrestlemania 29.

Actualização sobre Christian

A WWE publicou uma actualização sobre Christian, dizendo que o mesmo reagravou um lesão no seu pescoço durante a luta com o WWE Champion CM Punk na noite de ontem na RAW. Christian foi prontamente retirado da Wrestlemania 28 e substituído por Drew McIntyre.

O report da WWE diz o seguinte: “Although Christian claimed to also have experienced ankle pain following the onslaught, doctors later confirmed he did not re-aggravate the ankle sprain he suffered last year while on tour in Europe.”

No entanto a F4WOnline.com diz que Christian foi retirado da Wrestlemania devido à lesão do seu tornozelo não estar 100% debelada. Quando a WWE marcou o combate, pensavam que Christian ia estar preparado, mas não está.

Brodus Clay na Wrestlemania 28? Nova música no PPV

Fala-se entre os oficiais da WWE que Brodus Clay possa participar na Wrestlemania 28 e ter um combate igual aos que vem tendo tido na WWE, um squash match.

A WWE irá usar a música de Girl Gone Wild de Madonna como tema do combate Kelly Kelly e Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix e Eve Torres.

Futuras rivalidades no Smackdown?

A WWE começou a mostrar anúncios em Lake Charles, Louisiana para o house-show da Smackdown no dia 27 de Maio. Nos ditos cujos, Randy Orton vs. Sheamus pelo título mundial, Big Show vs. Kane e Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix são os combates anunciados. Algum tempo depois, o combate de Orton e Sheamus foi trocado por Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. 

Eric Bischoff coloca Cena over

Eric Bischoff coloca Cena over

Eric Bischoff escreveu o seguinte no Twitter a noite passada sobre John Cena “Checked out tonights Raw. Cena is one of the best talkers in the business in my opinion.”

JBL comenta entrada de Ron Simmons no HOF

JBL comentou a entrada de Ron Simmons no Hall of Fame e falou da honra que era para ele o induzir no panteão. JBL disse:

 "There's only two problems with me inducting Ron into HOF this weekend in Miami. Do you really think Miami is read for an APA reunion and I better have an hour to tell all the stories I want to tell about our travels!! Seriously, one of greatest honors of my life-can't wait to induct my best friend!"

WWE traduz mensagens japonesas de Lord Tensai

WWE traduz mensagens japonesas de Lord Tensai

No RAW SuperShow de ontem foi emitido novo vídeo teaser de Lord Tensai. Neste vídeo, Tensai tinha um serviçal a trabalhar para si (mais tarde revelou-se ser Sakamoto que luta na FCW). O WWE.com publicou a tradução das mensagem que foram emitidas durante o vídeo e é a seguinte:

"It was said he would find himself in a faraway land."

 "Lord Tensai will strike." "Lord Tensai draws near."

 "Lord Tensai approaches. Beware!"

Traduzido em Português:

"Foi dito que ele se encontraria numa terra distante."

"Lord Tensai vai atacar. "Lord Tensai aproximasse."

"Lord Tensai aproximasse. Cuidado!"

terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Chris Jericho renova contrato com a WWE

Os representantes de Chris Jericho negociaram com a WWE uma extensão do seu contrato actual que cuja duração era somente de seis meses. O desafiante de CM Punk pelo WWE Championship na Wrestlemania estendeu o seu contrato por mais alguns meses e será um lutador a full-time durante o Verão.

Quanto à tour dos Fozzy planeada para o Verão ainda não se sabe o que irá acontecer. Espera-se que Jericho após a Wrestlemania ou continue a feudar com CM Punk ou se transfira para o Smackdown no draft.

Card final da Wrestlemania 28 (spoilers RAW)

Lilian Garcia cantará America the Beautiful

The Rock vs. John Cena
Rappers Flo Rida & Machine Gun Kelly irão cantar

WWE Title Match
Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title Match
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Hell In a Cell
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Special Referee: Shawn Michaels

Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long
David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Mark Henry, The Miz, Jack Swagger e Dolph Ziggler (com John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero e Brie Bella) vs. Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, The Great Khali e Booker T (com Teddy Long, Aksana, Nikki Bella e Hornswoggle)

Intercontinental Title Match
Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes

Kane vs. Randy Orton

Kelly Kelly e Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix e Eve Torres

Novidades no combate Team Long vs. Team Laurinaitis (spoilers RAW)

Durante o RAW SuperShow de ontem, a WWE fez um angle de lesão com Christian e mais tarde anunciou que o lutador não faria parte do combate Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long na Wrestlemania pois tinha agravado a sua lesão no pescoço- A substituir Christian foi indicado Drew McIntyre

The Miz foi anunciado como membro da equipa de Laurinaitis e Booker T membro da equipa Long. Assim sendo o combate é o seguinte;

Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long
David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Mark Henry, The Miz, Jack Swagger e Dolph Ziggler (com John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero e Brie Bella) vs. Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, The Great Khali e Booker T (com Teddy Long, Aksana, Nikki Bella e Hornswoggle)

Notícias do Hall of Fame (ordem da cerimonia, músicas e indutores)

No site da WWE estão indicados os indutores na cerimónia do Hall of Fame de 2012. O PWI avança com a ordem da cerimónia que será a seguinte:

1. Alberto Del Rio induz Mil Mascaras
2. The Usos & Rikishi induzem Yokozuna
3. JBL induz Ron Simmons
4. Dusty Rhodes induz The Four Horsemen
5. Shawn Michaels & Triple H induzem Mike Tyson
6. Christian induz Edge

Para a cerimónia, Christian, DX e Four Horsemen terão uma nova versão das suas músicas que foram remasterizadas pelo produto da WWE Johnston.

Estrela da WWE irá retirar-se em breve?

Na recente edição da WWE Magazine, um artigo indica que um lutador que participará na Wrestlemania 28 irá retirar-se brevemente, O artigo indica:

"A seasoned Superstar has been recently saying that this will be his last 'Mania, but not necessarily his last WWE match."

Depois de Bret Hart, Dean Ambrose critica o sharpshooter de The Rock

Depois de Bret Hart ter dito no twitter que precisava ensinar a The Rock como aplicar o sharpshooter, o lutador da FCW Dean Ambrose também mandou “a boca” a Rock ao dizer:

"#WWE Fun Facts @NatbyNature uses a perfectly applied sharpshooter, @TheRock uses a kind of ugly ankle twisty thing he calls a sharpshooter"

Resultados WWE NXT e WWE Superstars

Resultados WWE NXT e WWE Superstars


Hunico derrotou Derrick Bateman via Olympic slam.
Titus O Neil derrotou Jimmy Uso via spinebuster


Heath Slater derrotou Alex Riley.
Justin Gabriel derrotou Tyson Kidd via powerbomb botchada

WWE diz que John Cena tem vantagem sobre The Rock

Na edição mais recente da WWE Magazine, um artigo indica que John Cena tem vantagem sobre The Rock no combate que ambos terão na Wrestlemania 28. No artigo vem escrito:

"What does a win at The Show of Shows mean for each of these competitors? Does hearing that three-count signify that the winner is the greatest of all time? Where does one go after a loss? For The Rock, it's back to Hollywood. For John Cena, it's back to Monday nights, weekend live events and main-eventing yet another pay-per-view. And maybe that's why Cena has the edge in this fight, because even if he loses at WrestleMania XXVIII, he's still doing what he's always wanted to—and no one can take that away from him. Not even The Rock.


Maria Menounos parte duas costelas no Dancing with the Stars

A participante do combate feminino na Wrestlemania 28, Maria Menounos terá partido duas costelas nos treinos do Dancing with the Stars segundo indica um artigo no New York Post.

Segundo o artigo, Maria terá sofrido a lesão nos treinos para a edição de hoje do programa. Segundo a fonte, ele está a conseguir aguentar as dores e hoje dançará com uma protecção.

Desconhece-se se esta lesão a impedirá de estar na Wrestlemania 28.

Beth Phoenix quer um combate pelo título na Wrestlemania

A WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix em entrevista ao StraitsTimes.com afirmou que somente tem um sonho que falta na sua carreira e é um combate pelo título na Wrestlemania. Beth disse:

"One thing that has eluded me over the years is to have a championship match at Wrestlemania. It's the grandest stage of them all."

[Video] Shane Douglas "ataca" Shawn Michaels

No próximo DVD a ser lançado pelo Kayfabe Commentaries, o ECW Original Shane Douglas ataca Shawn Michaels. Eis o vídeo prevíew

Possível spoiler da W28 com vista à WM29

A palavra que corre na WWE é que o envolvimento de Shawn Michaels no Hell in a Cell match na Wrestlemania 28 tem como objectivo lançar o main-event da Wrestlemania 29.

O sentimento que corre é que o plano actual é que o Hell in a Cell tenha um final que levará Triple H a desafiar Shawn Michaels no RAW para um confronto entre os dois na Wrestlemania 29.

Bret Hart critica The Rock e diz que tem de lhe ensinar a aplicar o sharpshooter

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson twetou no Domingo uma imagem dele a treinar para a Wrestlemania, Na foto Rock gabava-se de estar a treinar o sharpshooter para fazer Cena desistir. Bret Hart respondeu a The Rock de forma simples ao dizer:

"I have a lot of respect for The Rock, but I'd be more than happy 2 teach him how to put the sharpshooter on correctly,"

PPV Elimination Chamber obtém número de vendas miserável

A WWE lançou o pré-relatório de vendas e o PPV do mês passado, o Elimination Chamber terá obtido cerca de 180 mil vendas. Se este número for o número final, o PPV sofre uma queda quando comparado ao evento do ano passado que teve 199 mil vendas e ao evento de 2010 com 285 mil vendas.

Escritor do Miami Herald diz que WWE são os maiores palhaços do desporto

Greg Cote do The Miami Herald lançou hoje um artigo que aborda o facto de a WWE estar a ocupar o estádio dos Miami Dolphins. Eis os destaques do artigo:

Sun Life Stadium is being occupied now by people who can only be called the biggest clowns in sports. They want you to take them seriously, but it's impossible. I mean look at them! Where is the credibility? It's ridiculous! You look at what they do and you just want to shake your head.

Wait. Did you think I meant general manager Jeff Ireland and the Dolphins!?

Yeah, I can see why maybe you would, now that I think about it.

Actually, I meant professional wrestling and WWE, which is taking over the stadium this week to prepare for next Sunday's WrestleMania XXVIII.

But the Dolphins might be even harder to believe lately than pro wrestling.

Austin Aries respondeu à boca de Otunga à TNA

Depois de David Otunga ter mandando uma indirecta à TNA sobre os ratings que consegue obter e fazendo ilusão À TNA imitar a sua personagem de advogado, O X Division Champion Austin Aries respondeu a Otunga ao dizer:

"Shocked @DavidOtunga took time to comment on @ImpactWrestling. I'd think he'd want to become at least a good hand first... #MrJenniferHudson,"

The Rock diz porque regressou à WWE

The Rock foi questionado pela Variety porque regressou à WWE depois de estar a ter sucesso em Hollywood. Rock respondeu:

"I'm back for no other reason than to entertain the fans that had been so good to me over the years. It's not about the dollar. I've been very fortunate. When you go out there and you perform, it becomes really magical. So to be able to go back and create the biggest match of all time for them means the world to me. I took the biggest risk of my life by leaving WWE when I was on top. To be able to go back means the world to me."

CM Punk explica a motivação do angle no Verão de 2011

Durante uma entrevista ao InkedMag.com, CM Punk foi questionado sobre a sua motivação para o angle do Verão do ano passado e com a realização da "shoot" promo. Punk respondeu:

"Pure boredom. That and my belief that I have my fingers on the pulse of what our audience wants way more than management. I think that it's important for me and for any other Superstar that works for the company to be in the public eye, to be out there, to be considered celebrities. TMZ sees me on the street now and they want to ask stupid questions like they would with some phony like Tom Cruise. We're on television and we seem to have this one niche audience, and I want to expand way beyond that."

WWE Monday Night RAW 26.03.2012 - Wrestlemania 28 Go Home Show

Daniel Bryan e Kane derrotaram Randy Orton and Sheamus

Santino Marella derrotou David Otunga

Kelly Kelly derrotou Eve

 CM Punk contra Christian acabou em No Contest

Brodus Clay derrotou Curt Hawkins

Big Show derrotou Primo

Mark Henry derrotou The Great Khali

Show Completo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDyZUs-UdgI

segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012

Mick Foley e The Miz podem ocupar vagas de Mysterio e Del Rio no combate Long vs. Laurinaitis na WM28

A palavra que corria durante o fim-de-semana nos shows da WWE é que Miz irá substituir Del Rio como o ultimo membro da Team Laurinaitis e que Miz Foley ria substituir Rey Mysterio na Team Long.

Miz e Foley tiveram várias guerras de palavras durante o fim-de-semana sobre o combate e Foley lançou mesmo o teaser ao dizer que iria conversar com Teddy Long. Foley disse:

"Guess it's about time I listen to some of these voice-mails from Teddy Long. Wonder what he wants. Catch you all tomorrow," he wrote. However, he suggested minutes later it was a joke, writing, "No big deal. Teddy was just hoping I had Buff Bagwell's number - apparently, it's pretty important."

O anúncio oficial dos últimos participantes no combate será feito hoje no RAW SuperShow

CM Punk presta tributo a Arn Anderson em house-show da WWE

No house-show de ontem da WWE em Charlotte, após CM Punk ter derrotado Dolph Ziggler no main-event este pegou no micro e disse que iria chamar alguém ao ringue que nunca recebeu a consideração que lhe é devida. Punk chamou ao ringue Arn Anderson que veio acompanhado por John Cena.

Anderson disse que vinha com Cena pois acha que o spotlight deve estar sempre nos wrestlers. Anderson falou sobre a entrada no Hall of Fame para abraçar Cena e Punk quando a música dos Horsemen tocava. Anderson ia embora quando foi surpreendido a rampa por todo o roster da WWE que esteve no show. Um fã na assistência disse que se sentia o respeito que o roster da WWE tem para com o "The Enforcer"

Triple H diz que há uma ténue linha de realidade que não é atravessada na WWE

Triple H deu uma entrevista ao The Miami Herald para promover a Wrestlemania 28. Eis os highlights:

"We’re a unique business. If I go on the Jay Leno show, I stay in character. He wants to interview Triple H, not Paul Levesque who plays Triple H. There’s a weird line of reality that isn’t crossed."

"I know it’s confusing to the fans sometimes. Guys get fired or quit on-stage, and people aren’t sure whether it’s real or not. The best example of that, I think, was when we had Vince McMahon killed in a car bomb. Donald Trump, who’s a big WWE fan and a friend of Vince, called and said, ‘I know it’s probably just part of the story... but could you just tell me if Vince is OK?’ We’re like the last magicians: Is it real? Or Unreal? Nobody knows."

"When you look at the real world, a lot of people feel that way about their jobs. They’re thinking, ‘this is a terrible place to work, my boss is an idiot, I don’t want to work there anymore.’ But they can’t go into the office and hit their boss over the head with a GPS, which is what [WWE wrestler] Stone Cold Steve Austin did to McMahon. For blue-collar people disgruntled with their lives, it’s a great fantasy."

Trish Stratus fala do HoF, Phoenix vs. Kharma, Tough Enough

Trish Stratus deu uma entrevista ao Miami Herald. Eis os highlights:

Edge's Hall of Fame induction and herself going in: "I’m so proud of him. I think Adam does deserve it. I think it’s very fitting the way his career came to an end. This is just an amazing exclamation point for that. For me, of course, it was like winning the women’s championship. I went into the business hoping to become the best women’s wrestler ever and winning the women’s championship was the ultimate goal. As I wrapped up my career the ultimate goal was to leave a legacy and be remembered for everything I did. So a WWE Hall of Fame induction is something that would be a way of recognizing that. One could only hope."

A second season of Tough Enough: "Absolutely zero word. I think there is a focus on the launch of the WWE Network, and that is a huge undertaking. I think once there is a clear idea on individual programming, I think that is when we will get a clear idea if or when there would be a season two. It’s a timing thing. I had a great time doing it. When they called me, I happened to be available. So if I’m available, and they have me back, of course I would entertain it."

The Rock vs. John Cena: "It’s hard for me to answer that question because I can answer as a fan or a booker. To be honest, after watching in the past weeks, I’m not sure what they are going to do. Vince is sneaky. The minute you think he is going to go this way, there is a swerve on you. It was like my WrestleMania with [Chris] Jericho. I thought we were going walk away as this new babyface couple until I got there that day when I found out I was about to have my heel turn. I’m telling you eight months of storyline leading up to me and Jericho being the big babyface couple who were going to be this sarcastic. corky, babyface couple that we really haven’t seen before. We were really excited about it. Vince brought us into a room and said, ‘You know, I have this idea.’ Nobody knew what to think. His instinct was super dead on. It really took my career in a whole different direction, which was great. Vince has that way of dealing it out. I’m just interested and going in not know what is going to happen. I’m feeling it is going to be as iconic as the Hulk Hogan/Rock match at WrestleMania 18 with that same energy in the building. I’m excited to see that."

How she would have booked Divas at WrestleMania 28: "If I was booking it, I would have had Kharma and Beth run strong leading up to ‘Mania. I think that would be an epic match. I really do. I would love to see those two go. It’s funny how Twitter can give you a real pulse about what the fans are thinking. Initially, people were telling me that Beth and I would be amazing. Then of course Kharma came back at the Royal Rumble and people said Kharma and I would be amazing. Now, with the Eve storyline, they are saying Eve and I would be amazing. So it’s interesting to see the minute there is a highlight on TV I get that. Kharma coming back was an exciting moment because they saw her and Beth as two characters that can really see go."

Sheamus fala do seu combate contra Daniel Bryan e aponta John Cena como o vencedor contra The Rock

Sheamus deu uma entrevista ao HollywoodLife.com para promover a Wrestlemania 28. Eis os highlights:

John Cena vs. The Rock

"Its always controversial to pick the winner and a hard thing to do but I honestly think that John Cena is going to come up the winner on April 1st. Both of them are icons, both are legends, both have achieved so much. Cena is here night and day and I think that will take its toll on The Rock who has been back for one match. But Cena is the one without the ring rust and the one who I think will win at WrestleMania."

World Heavyweight Title match against Daniel Bryan:

"For two up and coming superstars, we are looking to steal the show! We are hungry and we have spent a lot of time getting to where we are today. Whether it was on the independent scene where we scratched and clawed, we want to be where John Cena and The Rock are, we want to be where The Undertaker and Triple H are, so you are looking at two guys who really want to go out there and steal the show!"

Mike Tyson comenta entrada no Hall of Fame

Mike Tyson comentou a sua entrada no Hall of Fame da WWE em entrevista ao The LA Times. Tyson disse:

"They think I belong in there and want me to fly out and get inducted into their hall. I'm not going to argue with them. I'm ecstatic. I watched wrestling before I ever watched boxing on TV. Bruno Sammartino was my favorite, but I liked all those guys: Junkyard Dog, Nikolai Volkoff, the Iron Sheik, Superstar Billy Graham."

The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar na WM 29? The Rock sorri!

Numa recente entrevista à Associated Press, The Rock brincou com o possível main-event da Wrestlemania 29 do próximo ano em East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Questionado sobre a possibilidade de enfrentar Brock Lesnar, Rock sorriu e disse que não comentava.

Recorde-se que a WWE irá brevemente anunciar o main-event da Wrestlemania 29.

Presenças de Mysterio e Del Rio na W28 em dúvida

É possível que Rey Mysterio seja adicionado amanhã à Team Long para o combate na Wrestlemania 28 mas a F4W está a reportar que Mysterio ainda não está a 100% e não está em condições de voltar aos ringues

O outro nome falado para o combate, Alberto del Rio disse ontem numa entrevista em Porto Rico que poderá não estar na Wrestlemania 28 mas neste a hipótese de a entrevista ser work é muito elevada.

Del Rio disse que falou-se de um possível combate contra Randy Orton no evento mas a sua lesão pós de lado esse combate.

Ainda falando do combate de equipas, Hornswoggle revelou no twitter que é a mascote oficial da equipa Long. Tem havido uma discussão sobre as Bela Twins estarem no canto da Team Laurinaitis e Aksana e Hornswoggle no canto da Team Long.

Randy Orton poderá estar no Marine 3

Segundo o PWInsider, Randy Orton deverá ser o protagonista do próximo filme da WWE, Marine 3, isto porque os oficiais da WWE querem uma grande estrela no filme.

Há várias semanas, Orton disse no twitter que tinha um projecto de cinema na sua próxima agenda de trabalhos

Previsão do tempo para a Wrestlemania

A uma semana da Wrestlemania 28, a previsão do estado do tempo para o dia do evento é que esteja uma temperatura a rondar os 25ºC e com uma chance de chuva de somente 10%, O céu esse deverá estar nublado.

Jim Ross falou aos odiosos que esperam um dia chuvoso no Domingo ao dizer:

"For the pathetic, attention starved, lonely tools who want it to rain at WM28, weather forecast is for 80 degrees & 20% chance of showers."

Notícias do house-show da WWE em Porto Rico

Alberto Del Rio e Ricardo Rodriguez saíram derrotados do confronto contra os WWE Tag Team Champions Primo & Epico e Zack Ryder & Mason Ryan num Elimination no evento do RAW em San Juan, Porto Rico.

Após Ryan e Ryder terem sido eliminados as interacções entre os campeões e Del Rio e Ricardo foram sólidas, dando origem a um combate divertido.

Outros combates interessantes do combate foram R-Truth derrotar FCW star Leo Kruger, "Ryback" Skip Sheffield squashar Alex Riley e Brodus Clay derrotar The Miz in num combate de oito minutos.

Os resultados completos do show foram os seguintes:

(1) R-Truth venceu Leo Kruger
(2) Ryback venceu Alex Riley
(3) Eve Torres venceu Kelly Kelly
(4) Primo & Epico venceram Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez e Mason Ryan & Zack Ryder e mantiveram os Tag Titles
(5) Santino Marella venceu Jack Swagger e manteve o U.S. title
(6) Chris Jericho venceu Kofi Kingston
(7) Brodus Clay venceu The Miz
(8) John Cena venceu Kane num last man standing
(9) 2/3 falls: C.M. Punk venceu Dolph Ziggler e manteve o WWE title

Arn Anderson fala da entrada no HOF e da sua carreira

O produtor da WWE Arn Anderson deu uma entrevista ao The Post & Courier. Eis os highlights:

Going into the WWE Hall of Fame with the Horsemen: "I’m never going to be one of those guys who asked what took so long. I’m just floored by the act that it’s happening. It’s a very elite group. I feel like I had — and am still having — a successful career. But the highlight of that career would have to be the three years I spent with that group of guys. It was a special time. I called it the golden years of the business. Both the WWF and NWA were thriving. Just to be pretty prominently figured into that group of guys is something you can tell your great grandkids about. There’s nothing like the first group. Obviously that’s special."

Thinking about what could have been: "There’s two times when it bothers me. It bothers me when I see a match go south and I’m sitting there on headsets, and I know at that moment in time if I was in there, I could fix it. Or when it’s done really well. That’s the two times that I really miss it. And I think I might have come along too soon. What kind of value do you reckon Arn Anderson would have to this industry if I walked in the door right now with the knowledge I had at 30 years old and healthy? I know that sounds like a really conceited comment, but look at the experience level of the guys, through not any fault of their own. They’re coming in sometimes only a year right out of FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) right into the lion’s den, and it’s tough."

Today's performers vs. stars of his era: "By the time I got in the spot I had in ‘85, I had three really intensive years of 300-plus matches a year. How good would guys like John Cena, Randy Orton or Batista have been if they would have had 900 matches in their first three years? Can you fathom that? So we had a distinct advantage at the time. I would love to still be wrestling if my body would accommodate it in these times."

CM Punk fala de Randy Savage e ter o suporte de lendas

O WWE Champion CM Punk deu uma entrevista ao InkedMag.com. Eis os highlights:

You seem to be cognizant of wrestling history. For example, after Macho Man Randy Savage’s death, you wore tights designed like his and performed his elbow drop. Why is the past so important to you?

Like they say, if you don’t remember the past you’re doomed to repeat it. Not that repeating pro wrestling’s past would be such a horrible thing; there were certain aspects that were a lot cooler back then. When I was a kid, Macho Man was the shit. When he passed away I just felt the need to do something. So I had some classic WrestleMania III Macho Man tights made and I wore them, thinking that maybe someone who didn’t know who he is would hear people talking about him and check him out. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Macho Man. He is cooler than anyone around today, myself included.

Leading up to your championship you were portrayed as an outsider and an underdog. You’ve talked about how you weren’t marketed correctly or enough. Now that you have been crowned champion, can you still make that claim?

Not without adding some sort of severe backlash from people. It’s hard to say you’re an underdog when you’re the champ. There are still people who are crossing their fingers waiting to see me fail. This industry has always been about image, and I don’t fit that image. I’m the one standing up and saying, “So what?” I’m the best wrestler in the world, and that is what this is about. Who cares if I don’t look like you want me to? That’s something I’ve been dealing with my entire life.

What’s it like to wrestle alongside or against the same guys you idolized as a kid?

I wrestled independently for a very long time and wrestled guys like Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, and Ricky Steamboat, so that stuff blows my mind. I met Mick Foley in 2003 and he said, “I think you’re awesome and you need to be in WWE.” Mick’s been waving the CM Punk flag for damn near a decade. Having these old-school guys have my back, having Dusty and Terry Funk telling me that I’m the man after wrestling in front of 500 people in Philadelphia—to me that’s bigger and better than any paycheck I’ll ever get. That’s validation from people who are as close to being my heroes as you can get.

Zack Ryder fala de Rock vs. Cena, uso das redes sociais e Big O na WWE

Zack Ryder deu uma entrevista ao Wrestling Press. Eis os highlights:

Other WWE stars embracing social media and if it can be done again: "I think it was a once-in-a-lifetime-thing. I wasn’t the first to use social media, but I was the first one to really embrace it, totally rely on it and use it to the behe past – in this case The Rock – versus the Superstar from the present. It’s going to be exst of my abilities. I’m 26 years old, these things are what my friends use. My friends are on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, so I just used that since I felt I was the best person in WWE to be able to. People are doing it now, they’re starting their own YouTube shows, so that’s all good, more power to them. It just gives me more motivation to be the best one out there."

The Rock vs. John Cena at WrestleMania: "I compare it a lot to Rock vs. Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 18. This is the Superstar from tciting, the crowd’s going to be split, it’s going to be half Rock, half Cena. Personally, I’m gonna put on a hooded sweatshirt, a hat and I’m gonna go out there and watch them from the audience because it’s going to be electric."

John Cena and CM Punk helping when he first started his show: "Absolutely! Cena, CM Punk, Miz, Dolph Ziggler – there’s so many guys who, when I first started my YouTube show, would retweet my link. That was a huge help since I did not have many followers, it got me so many more views. Without those guys I don’t know how successful the show would have been. There are other people, like Curt Hawkins, who started a YouTube show and it just didn’t take off. Not because it wasn’t good, it just didn’t get the viewership."

Big O possibly joining WWE: "(laughs) I don’t know! He had two wrestling matches already. Big O is this big meathead from my gym in Long Island who I absolutely hated because he’s one of those loud guys in the gym, always grunting, always screaming, always talking about himself. I’ll never forget: it was 2008, I was doing calf raises at the gym and he puts his headphones in my ears. It was “Summertime” by New Kids on the Block, and it was just such a ridiculous moment! We’ve been friends ever since, he’s been on my YouTube show, he’s one of the key characters on my show. He started training to become a WWE Superstar earlier this year and you never know, he could be one of the next guys, too. Everything’s possible."

domingo, 25 de março de 2012

Poster do PPV Over the Limit

Orton diz que o publico quer ver antes o seu combate contra Kane do que Bryan vs. Sheamus na Wrestlemania

Randy Orton crê que o público está mais interessado em ver o seu combate contra Kane do que o combate pelo World Heavyweight Championship entre Daniel Bryan e Sheamus na Wrestlemania. Orton disse:

"I think there might be a little more people out there who want to see Kane-Orton as opposed Sheamus-Daniel Bryan," Orton stated Friday morning on the Big Poppa In The Morning radio program promoting WrestleMania XXVIII.

John Cena explica porque não é um heel

Numa entrevista ao London Free Press, John Cena explicou porque não faz um heel turn. Cena disse:"Although I can handle business when I need to, I really make conscious choices to do the right thing. There's still a giant portion of the audience associated to the Attitude era that I believe thinks I am a bad guy. But I'm not a bad guy. I generate so much hatred just because of the way I act. I look at Tim Tebow as a good example. People couldn't stop saying his name. He's such a stand-up guy. People don't believe it because it's almost too good to be true. And he generates that hatred," Cena says."I have fun with this business. I love every second of it. I love to be right there in the middle of the hunt. At the end of the day, it's not my job to force people in any direction. I just to out there and see what happens. You can analyze character development all day, but with the current state of affairs, there's no need or rationale for me to deviate from what I'm doing."

Layla recebe elogios no seu regresso aos ringues

Layla que fez o seu regresso aos ringues durante a semana num evento da FCW foi bastante elogiada pela performance no combate. Layla fez equipa com Audrey Marie e derrotaram Paige e Sofia Cortez. Layla tem trabalhado muito para regressar aos ringues e no combate impressionou os oficiais ao trabalhar moves de lucha libre

David Otunga manda “boca” à TNA

David Otunga mandou uma indirecta à TNA pelos ratings que tem obtido que não sofrem qualquer variação, independentemente do que aconteça no show. Otunga disse:"If imitation is the highest form of flattery, I'm flatter than Impact's ratings right now. #OtungaLaw."

Crê-se que esta é a reposta de Otunga ao facto da TNA ter introduzido na storyline com Bobby Roode um advogado.

sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Lista completa de indutores no Hall of Fame 2012

Apesar de ainda não ser conhecida oficialmente a lista de indutores na cerimónia do Hall of Fame 2012, uma fonte indicou esta lista ao PWI e esta é a seguinte:

Edge será induzido por Christian

Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, JJ Dillon, Ric Flair e Tully Blanchard) será induzido por Dusty Rhodes

Mike Tyson será induzido por Shawn Michaels e Triple H

Mil Mascaras será induzido por Alberto Del Rio

Ron Simmons será induzido por John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Yokozuna será induzido por Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso e Rikishi

Jerry "The King" Lawler apresentará a cerimónia

[Video] John Cena diz que nunca sairá da WWE

Edge revela os seus planos originais para a reforma

Edge deu uma entrevista ao Between The Ropes. Eia os highlights:

What he misses the most about not being with WWE on a day-to-day basis: "Honestly, I don't miss anything about being on the road. If there's things I miss, it would be the camaraderie of some of the guys. Being able to see Kane every week or Christian every week or (Dolph) Ziggler, guys I'm good friends with and road with. I miss that. I don't miss the travel. I don't miss being constantly exhausted, constantly sore and feeling like a zombie. I don't miss that at all. I wake up now and my body doesn't hurt. I have some neck days here and there but the rest of me feels great. So I'll get out and mountain bike 35 miles. I wouldn't have the energy to do that when I was working. So, I don't miss much. I miss the guys and the feeling of that crowd reaction when you have a good match but beyond that not a whole lot."

If he starting mapping out his final year in the WWE which he was planning before the neck injury forced him to retire: "I wanted to try and build it to Christian and I at a WrestleMania if it was possible. It looked like if I would have stuck around it would have happened before that. I think we would have got to him and I this year. I was kind of hoping that this would be the last year, the last Mania and gauge it from there. If I had another year left in me, sign for another year because my contract is up this month. I thought I'll sit down at this year's WrestleMania and see where I'm at. But if it could have built to where it would have been Christian and I at this year's WrestleMania then I don't think there would have been any other way to go. It's like why bother, so I can do another year just to do another match that won't mean as much to me in the final match. But I had been mentally preparing for it. I knew or assumed that it would be this year. So, it wasn't that hard to come to terms or grips with. I think it was harder for other people. I've had a lot of grown men come up to me, man, I'm just so bummed, I was crying. I was like thanks but I knew what was going on in my body so it wasn't as much of a shock to me I guess."

His thoughts on the build to The Rock vs. John Cena at WrestleMania 28: "I've really enjoyed it. I like the promos. I like the fact that you can tell they don't like each other. I also like the fact that you have a match that's a year in the making, especially with nowadays schedule and the amount of TV programming that we have. For them to be able to do a match a year out and not touch, nowadays is mind blowing. I think people have lost respect for that aspect of it. You know, everybody goes 'back in the day programs last longer and they didn't get blown off so quick'. Well yeah but there wasn't six hours of programming every week or whatever it is. It's hard to keep guys apart to do Savage vs. Steamboat nowadays. Back when I was a kid growing up, you had Wrestling Superstars or one hour on a Saturday from 11-12 or 12-1. It was easy to keep guys apart. Not any more. It's changed. So the fact that they've been able to do this year-long program without touching is astounding to me. And the fact that if Rock comes back next year, who knows? They could go again next year. Then you essentially have a three-year program with two matches. That's amazing. There's always going to be people that will complain if they haven't touched this, that or the other but then will complain if they blow it off too quick. You just got to sit back and enjoy this and take it for what it is because it hasn't actually been done before."

Mais uma foto de Undertaker careca! Parece ser a mais verdadeira até agora

McMahon com grandes planos para draft 2012

Ao que parece, o grande foco de Vince McMahon após a Wrestlemania XXVIII é a provável edição do WWE Draft de 2012. Fontes indicam que a edição deste ano será feita umas semanas depois da Wrestlemania, ou no mês de Maio, no entanto, nada se confirma.

É dito que Vince tem grandes planos para o evento e pretende transferir grandes lutadores tanto para o RAW, como para o Smackdown. A ideia surgiu após o Chairman perceber que os ratings do RAW e do Smackdown continuam na mesma faixa de antes do Draft de 2011 ter sido realizado, e ele quer mudar isso

Husky Harris muda de nome e de gimmick

Husky Harris estreou ontem house-show da Florida Championship Wrestling um novo nome e gimmick. Husky agora sob o nome Levi Wyatt apresenta uma gimmick de fundamentalista religioso que usa um chapéu e uma t-shirt havaiana e que trabalhou como heel ao derrotar Jiro.

Recorde-se que Harris é de todos os talentos da FCW o que mais chance tem de entrar no roster da WWE a curto prazo.